Acerca de
training plans
Nutritional Guidance
Preguntas frecuentes
Consulta de equipo
Unlock my Peak Performance
$47 USD /month
A trainning program tailored 100% for your need and goals
Acces to customized trainning App
Weekly check-in with coach
The Team One
$ Depends on team characteristics
A trainning program that to fit everyone in your team
Access to customized training App for every member of the team
Weekly check in with coach
First appointment
$30 usd
if added to training plan
$40 usd
without training plan
First assessment and creation of nutritional strategy
Macronutrients breakdown and access to meal plan for 1 month
Access to customized App
Follow-up appointment
$ 15 usd
$ 25 usd
without training plan​
Monthly or fortnightly follow-up appointment to make adjustments on nutritional strategy
On-going monthly meal plan