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Training program's

Group Gymnastic Training

Unlock my Peak Performance

$47 USD /month

A trainning program tailored 100% for your need and goals

Acces to customized trainning App

Weekly check-in with coach

Swimmers in Pool

The Team One

$ Depends on team characteristics

A trainning program that to fit everyone in your team

Access to customized training App for every member of the team

Weekly check in with coach

Nutritional Guidance Pricing

Fruits and Magazines

First appointment 

$30 usd

if added to training plan


$40 usd

without training plan

First assessment and creation of nutritional strategy

Macronutrients breakdown and access to meal plan for 1 month

Access to customized App

Fruits and Vegetables

Follow-up appointment

$ 15 usd

if added to training plan


$ 25 usd

without training plan​

Monthly or fortnightly follow-up appointment to make adjustments on nutritional strategy

On-going monthly meal plan

Access to customized App

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